이 이야기는 어릴 적 할머니가 저에게 들려주신 한국인
에게는 너무나도 익숙한 전래동화이다.
This is a story my grandmother told me when I was young.
It is a very familiar folk tale in korea
그만큼 예전 한국의 깊은 산에는 호랑이가 많이 살았고
산신이 타고 다녔다는 호랑이는 영험한 동물로 많은
사람들이 두려워하기 보다 친근하고 도움을 주는 좋은
이미지로 알려져있다.
That's how many tigers lived deep in the mountains of
Korea in the past.
The tiger, which is said to be ridden by a mountain god, is
a magical animal and is known to have a good image of
being friendly and helpful rather than being feared by many
옛날 산 속에 호랑이 한 마리가 살고 있었는데, 어느 날
은 산에 먹을 것이 없어 너무 배가 고파서 마을로 내려
와 먹을 것을 찾고 있었다.
Long ago, there was a tiger living in the mountains.
One day, there was no food on the mountain and he was
so hungry that he came down to the village to look for food.
그때 어느 집에서 한 아이의 울음소리를 듣고 그 집을
찾아간 호랑이는 무슨 일인지 궁금해져, 담벼락 아래
숨어서 몰래 대화를 엿들었다.
At that time, the tiger heard a child crying in a house and
went to that house, became curious about what was going
on, and hide under the wall to secretly eavesdrop on the
아이의 엄마는 우는 아이를 달래기 위해 미소를 지으며
"아이구 이를 어째? 네가 큰 소리로 우니깐 밖에 호랑이
가 왔잖니.
The child's mother smiles to soothe the crying child.
“Oh my gosh, how can I do this? Because you cried so
loudly, there was a tiger outside.
자꾸 울면 호랑이한테 잡아먹으라고 할 거야, 아가야."
라며 장난스럽게 말했다.
“If you keep crying, I’ll tell the tiger to eat you, baby.”
She said playfully.
물론 엄마는 밖에 진짜 호랑이가 온 줄 모르고
장난으로 한 말이었고, 호랑이는 자신이 있는
사실을 어떻게 알았나 싶어 당황하였지만 먹을 것이
생겼다고 좋아라 기다리는데 아이는 여전히 자지러
지게 울었다.
Of course, the mother didn't know that there was a real
tiger outside and it was just a joke, and she was confused
as to how the tiger knew that she was there, but she was
happy that there was something to eat and waited,
but the child was still crying loudly.
엄마는 곧이어 "아이구, 그래그래. 엄마가 장난쳐서
미안하구나. 여기 곶감 있으니까 이제 그만 우려무나."
하고 말하며 아이에게 곶감을 주자 신기하게도 울음
소리가 뚝 그쳤다.
The mother immediately said, "Oh, that's right. I'm sorry for
teasing you. There are dried persimmons here, so you can
stop worrying now." She gave the dried persimmons to the
child, and surprisingly, The sound of crying suddenly stopped.
호랑이는 "곶감은 정말 무서운 짐승이구나. 어떻게 호랑이
얘기에도 울음을 그치지 않던 아이가 조용해진 거지?
The tiger said, “Dried persimmons are truly scary beasts.
How did a child who didn't stop crying even when talking
about a tiger become quiet?
곶감이 자신보다 크고 무서운 짐승이라 착각하고 지레
겁을 먹었다.
He mistakenly thought that the dried persimmon was a bigger
and scarier beast than he was, and was extremely frightened.
그때, 지붕 위에서 살금살금 지나가던 소도둑이
호랑이를 소로 착각해 위에서 갑자기 내려와 덮쳤다.
At that time, a cow thief who was sneaking by on the roof
mistook the tiger for a cow and suddenly came down from
above and attacked it.
이에 호랑이는 '곶감'이 자기를 덮친 줄 알고 소스라
치게 놀라 후다닥 도망치기 시작했다.
As a result, the tiger thought that a dried persimmon had
attacked him and was so startled that it began to run away.
아무리 재빠르게 달려도, 등 뒤에 매달려 떨어지지
않으니 호랑이는 더더욱 겁을 먹었다.
No matter how fast it ran, it hung on its back and would not fall,
which made the tiger even more scared.
자신이 잡은 게 호랑이란 사실을 안 소도둑도 겁을
먹고 호랑이 등 위에 딱 붙어서 떨어지지 않았다.
When the cow thief found out that what he had caught was
a tiger, he got scared and clung to the tiger's back and
did not fall off.
그러다 마침 굵은 나뭇가지를 본 소도둑은 곧바로
나뭇가지를 잡고 나무에 올라타 호랑이로부터 무사히
Then, the cow thief, who happened to see a thick tree branch,
immediately grabbed the branch and climbed the tree to safely
escape from the tiger.
자신의 등 위에서 '곶감'이 떨어졌다는 것을 안 호랑이도
안심하고 크게 기뻐하면서 멀리 도망쳤다.
Even the tiger knew that a dried persimmon had fallen from
his back. Feeling relieved and overjoyed, he ran away.
이렇게 해서 호랑이와 소도둑은 다시는 마을에 내려오지
않았다고 한다.
In this way, the tiger and the cow thief never come to the
village again. They say they didn’t.
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